Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de appease

to appeaseapaciguar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I appeaseyo apaciguo
you appeasetú apaciguas
he appeasesél apacigua
she appeasesella apacigua
we appeasenosotros apaciguamos
you appeasevosotros apaciguáis
they appeaseellos apaciguan
they appeaseellas apaciguan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I appeasedyo apacigüé
you appeasedtú apaciguaste
he appeasedél apaciguó
she appeasedella apaciguó
we appeasednosotros apaciguamos
you appeasedvosotros apaciguasteis
they appeasedellos apaciguaron
they appeasedellas apaciguaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have appeasedyo he apaciguado
you have appeasedtú has apaciguado
he has appeasedél ha apaciguado
she has appeasedella ha apaciguado
we have appeasednosotros hemos apaciguado
you have appeasedvosotros habéis apaciguado
they have appeasedellos han apaciguado
they have appeasedellas han apaciguado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had appeasedyo había apaciguado
you had appeasedtú habías apaciguado
he had appeasedél había apaciguado
she had appeasedella había apaciguado
we had appeasednosotros habíamos apaciguado
you had appeasedvosotros habíais apaciguado
they had appeasedellos habían apaciguado
they had appeasedellas habían apaciguado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will appeaseyo apaciguaré
you will appeasetú apaciguarás
he will appeaseél apaciguará
she will appeaseella apaciguará
we will appeasenosotros apaciguaremos
you will appeasevosotros apaciguaréis
they will appeaseellos apaciguarán
they will appeaseellas apaciguarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have appeasedyo habré apaciguado
you will have appeasedtú habrás apaciguado
he will have appeasedél habrá apaciguado
she will have appeasedella habrá apaciguado
we will have appeasednosotros habremos apaciguado
you will have appeasedvosotros habréis apaciguado
they will have appeasedellos habrán apaciguado
they will have appeasedellas habrán apaciguado

I would appeaseyo apaciguaría
you would appeasetú apaciguarías
he would appeaseél apaciguaría
she would appeaseella apaciguaría
we would appeasenosotros apaciguaríamos
you would appeasevosotros apaciguaríais
they would appeaseellos apaciguarían
they would appeaseellas apaciguarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have appeasedyo habría apaciguado
you would have appeasedtú habrías apaciguado
he would have appeasedél habría apaciguado
she would have appeasedella habría apaciguado
we would have appeasednosotros habríamos apaciguado
you would have appeasedvosotros habríais apaciguado
they would have appeasedellos habrían apaciguado
they would have appeasedellas habrían apaciguado

Participio presenteAnotado
appeasing apaciguando

Participio pasadoAnotado
appeased apaciguado

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